About the Initiative

On February 19, 2021, the National Council of Negro Women launched the Good Health Women’s Immunization Network to raise awareness of the benefits of immunization as a critical element of good health. While our primary focus in the first year of Good Health WINs was to listen and activate NCNW member networks around COVID-19 and other immunizations, year two expands our focus to a broader community and includes continuing education and expansion in addressing additional health disparity concerns.

Currently, 15 states are part of the NCNW State Partner Network. Prince George’s County Section serves as the Maryland State Lead for this initiative, garnering input and planning from all state NCNW sections and local partner organizations.

There are six National NCNW Affiliate organizations included in the network and nine of the “Divine Nine” sororities and fraternities form participating national partnerships. Large and small churches, community organizations, groups focused on health care and myriad other civic and public partners form a vital part of a collaborative statewide network to plan and carry out the unifying objectives of Good Health Wins.

The initial Good Health WINs Program goals included the following objectives:

1. Help end the COVID-19 pandemic, which was wreaking havoc on
communities of color, lower-income families, and frontline workers.

2. Promote “candid conversations” and mutually respectful relationships
between Black women, communities of color, and policymakers.

3. Increase public understanding and acceptance of immunization as an
essential path to good health.

4. Support increased testing, contact tracing, isolation options, and preventive
care and disease management in populations at increased risk for COVID-19.

5. Advance equity in the nationwide distribution and administration of all vaccines.

6. Promote evidence-based policies, systems, and environmental strategies to
mitigate social and health inequities.

7. Reduce COVID-19-associated stigma and implicit bias

8. Promote the trustworthiness of healthcare institutions and systems.

GHWINs In Action

What’s to Come:

Year 2 GHWINs scope of work requirements are expanded to include:

1. Increased availability of messages that resonate with Black and Hispanic

2. Increased range of trusted community voices supporting vaccine education and

3. Increased number and diversity of vaccination opportunities.

4. Increased number of partnerships or collaborative activities between providers
and community organizations, and

5. Implementation of strategies to reduce racial and/or ethnic disparities in adult
vaccination coverage in all health areas.

1. Increased equity in nationwide distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines and PPE.

2. Building community confidence in family medical decision-making, Reduced
stigma and implicit bias associated with COVID-19 and other concerns – including
Monkey Pox, polio, and other health areas

3. Improved access to testing.

1. Quantitative/ Qualitative Research –

2. Develop culturally sensitive materials, toolkits, playbook, and Good Health WINs

3. GHW will advocate at the tables where public health and vaccination decisions
are made (immunization coalitions, health departments, and immunization
managers) to ensure their expertise is being incorporated into public policy.

Become a Section Member

If you are interested in continuing the National Council of Negro Women’s efforts in strengthening our communities and would like to become a member of the Prince George’s County Section.

Apply Contact Us